Wednesday, July 6, 2011


This movie based on manga written and illustrated by Inio Asano, i was curious about the movie when the movie is featured soundtrack from the Japanese alternative rock band Asian Kung-fu Generation, with the same title as the movie called Solanin. The movie released about a year ago in 2010.

here is the plot :

Meiko (Aoi Miyazaki ) is a recent college grad working as an office lady in a job she hates. Her boyfriend Naruo (Kengo Kora) lives in her apartment, because his part-time job as an animator doesn't pay enough to pay the rent. Furthermore, Naruo tentatively fronts a rock band that hasn't got out of the "practice" stage.

One day, Meiko decides she has had enough with her office job and quits. When Naruo hears of her decision, he reacts with trepidation fearing their lack of income may put a crimp on his rock band hopes. Meiko does have enough money saved to live for a year without working and hopes to find herself during this time. Meiko would also like Naruo to become serious with his band. Without knowing what tomorrow will bring, can Meiko find happiness and will Naruo's band ever become more than a pipe dream?

after i watched the movie, i think is a good movie to look at it, because there is slice of life that we can reflect on someday...(what am i talking about?!! LOL) just watch it and you know how good this movie, and i like Aoi Miyazaki she looks cool while playing guitar.

Here is the trailer :

The Soundtrack :

Aoi Miyazaki performed the song :

Japanese Scare Prank!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


recommended dorama!

lihat bagaimana mamang sorimachi (beach boys) berakting sekarang..

dan juga, Takei emi dan Nagasawa Masami :* :* bermain dalam satu film.. huhuhu


Yuri Saotome is a charismatic beautician who runs a major sports gym and aesthetic salon. Her older brother died in an accident just before his opportunity to achieve a gold medal at the Olympics, so she chose to marry a wrestling gold medalist. After giving birth to four children, she and her husband broke off their marriage, leaving Yuri to raise the kids by herself. With their excellent genes, three of them have been raised as possible candidates for the next Olympic games.

singkat cerita, ada seorang wanita yang membesarkan anaknya demi meraih medali emas di olimpiade.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


do you like football? anime? J-League? or even British?

well then, i suggest you guys this anime..


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Let's talk like a SAMURAI (part-1)

U know samurai,aren't u? they have their own way to talk. they didn't use common japan language, but there is a little bit differences. i think u have to know about their 'language'. 

です ー> でござる

to talk like a samurai, u can replace “desu with ‘degozaru’ or ‘degozaimasu’ or ‘da’ for “samurai’ style.^^

e.g. : watashi wa kamufureto degozaimasu.

おはようございます ー> おはようでござる

If u want to greet someone in the morning, u can say ; ‘ohayoudegozaru!’ and if u want to know someone’s mood, u can say; ‘gokigen ikaga degozaruka.

元気ですかー> ご機嫌いかがでござるか?

We usually ask someone with ‘genki desuka’ but a samurai have their own way. They use ‘tasshya degozaru ka.tasshya means “in good health” and degozaruka is the “are you” bit of things.

〜ます ー>  〜まんねん

to talk like a samurai, u have to change ‘masu’ to ‘mannen’.

e.g. : mimasu > mimannen

it’s easy,right ?! that it’s for part one.

Let’s try it..!!

Bon courage..^^